Martial Arts Links
Online - Taekwondo
Overview of Olympic
taekwondo includes history, rules and a glossary. From the official site
of the United States Olympic Committee.
Tae Kwon-Do Assoc.
Learn about the
techniques, history, philosophy,
terminology, or rankings of Tae Kwon-Do, or browse the catalog of merchandise
and equipment.
Tae Kwon Do Federation
Lists the association's
instructors and schools. Includes a photo gallery, an events schedule,
and contact information.
Taekwon-Do Federation
Regional contacts,
an events calendar, history, international news and organizational details
from this national group.
States Taekwondo Union
Articles, championship
results, team rosters and membership information from the official site
of the national authority on taekwondo.
Way of Taekwondo
The quarterly magazine
of the American Tae Kwon Do Association. Read features, training advice,
an event calendar, and regional news.
Black Belt Magazine
The World's Leading Magazine of Self Defense
Taekwondo Sparring
Complete guide to
the rules and scoring for the Olympic sport supervised by the World Taekwondo
Tae Kwon Do Home Page
Offers a history
of the martial art and explains modern interpretations. Browse the photo
gallery and check out the video demonstrations.
Tae Kwon Do Link
Extensive compilation
of links to clubs, associations, companies, magazines and related resources.
Martial Arts
Excellent guide
covering Taekkyon and Korean archery. Covers history, techniques, and FAQs,
in a combination of English and Korean.
Kwon Do Hyung Resource Page
Descriptions of
many of the forms you need to know to master tae kwon do. Includes a Korean/English
dictionary of terms.
Kwon Do Profile
Provides a historical
explanation of this martial art and describes the basic techniques. Includes
a page of links to related sites.
Kwon Do
Student at the University
of Kentucky provides a detailed explanation of tae kwon do's history and
New Realm of Martial Arts
Advice on choosing
a school, a guide to different styles, tournament rules, and information
on movie stars who have popularized the sport.
America's Best Karate
This modestly titled school in Phoenix has a wonderful website!
Karate Store
A good source of videos and other intriguing accessories
Kicks Sports Supplies
Provides a long
list of martial arts equipment available for online purchase. Includes
contact information. |